How to Choose a Domain for a Personal Website

by on July 27, 2017

Simply put, your domain name is your Internet address. It’s used in place of the list of numbers associated with IP addresses because a name is more user-friendly and easier to remember than a bunch of numbers. Picking a domain name for a personal website is not as critical as choosing one for a business but you still need to choose carefully in order to establish a good online presence.

Here’s how to choose a domain for a personal website that will help get you off to a great start:

  • Learn how the Internet works. It will help you come up with a good name for you while adhering to the rules and guidelines designed to make the Internet run smoother.
  • Consider using your first or last name, initials or nickname as your domain name but avoid weird spellings that would be hard for people to remember.
  • Check out one or more of the tools designed solely for this purpose. There are several to choose from such as Domainr, Name Mesh and Lean Domain Search.
  • Consider using different extensions associated with personal domains such as .name or .me instead of .com. It gives you more options to choose from.

It may take a little time to come up with the right name but it’s worth the wait. Take your time and search for something that suits your personality and style perfectly and you’ll be happy with your choice for years to come.